A unique production facility

The Technological Line of the Wrocław Technology Park is a technologically advanced production facility that is unique in the country. It is tailored to the needs of the lifescience industry, particularly the food, dietary supplements and bioactive preparations sector.

The specialised installation located at the Technological Line can be used for technology testing, up-scaling, verification of assumptions and optimisation of production processes. It also makes it possible to implement innovative solutions, carry out research and development, transfer technology, carry out part or all of a production process. The aforementioned facility consists of 16 semi-industrial-scale production modules with high-end equipment that allows even complex and advanced processes to be carried out, such as supercritical extraction, electropasteurisation, microencapsulation, ultrafiltration, vacuum evaporation or various chemical extractions.

One of the greatest strengths of the Technological Line is not so much the variety of equipment available in it per se, but the ability to configure them flexibly with each other. The modules that make up the installation can be connected together in any order. This makes the testing and implementation of innovations even faster and easier.

It should be mentioned that in 2013, the Technological Line by the decision of the State District Sanitary Inspector in Wrocław became an approved production plant and an entity entered in the Register of plants subject to official control of the State Sanitary Inspectorate. Two years later, we also received a positive decision from the District Veterinary Officer in Wrocław regarding the approval of the plant and the granting of a veterinary identification number. The Technological Line operates in accordance with the quality control systems in place, including the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System and the GMP, GHP standards. This is a guarantee of the security and quality of our services, especially for clients who want to turn their ideas and research results into marketable products.

The experimental facility is located in the BETA building. It is available to interested parties on a market basis in cooperation with the NUTRIBIOMED Cluster. However, as the idea of our activity is to support business development, we have prepared preferential conditions for companies from the small and medium-sized enterprise sector to use the Technological Line – we provide de minimis aid for this purpose.

Plant facilities

Pasteurisation and sterilisation:

  • extraction module using a supercritical medium,

Separation process:

  • extraction module using a supercritical medium,
  • filter module,
  • flow centrigugation module,
  • vibration separation module,
  • ultrafiltration module,
  • vacuum evaporator module.

Drying process:

  • spray-drying module with vibrofluidiser,
  • lyophilization module with low-temperature freezer,
  • chamber drying module.


  • shredding module -mill,
  • mixing module,
  • granulation module.


  • fluid dosing module,
  • bulk dosing module.


  • tabletting, counting and labelling module.

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We support business!

Use the technological line on preferential terms!

The Wrocław Technology Park creates conditions for the development of innovative business ideas. Through the support provided as de minimis aid, we provide access to laboratory and business infrastructure on preferential terms.  The costs of using laboratory and prototyping facilities can be reduced by 80%.

We also assist entrepreneurs in obtaining EU funds for the implementation of research and development projects using WPT resources – thanks to the Subsidy Voucher mechanism, we reimburse up to 100% of the costs of preparing application documents for EU funding.

Sounds interesting?

Contact us!

Michał Buda

Technological Line of Wrocław Technology Park

  • +48 781 871 616

  • michal.buda@technologpark.pl